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Our Mission

The Community Neighbor Institute is a community engagement organization that engages in advocacy-based research and program development to find solutions to common social issues in underserved neighborhoods. The social issues we focus on are classified under three areas: education, environmental justice, and civic engagement. Our mission is to learn more about the common social issues that are preventing our neighborhoods from flourishing in order to heal these areas (#WeLearnToHeal). 

Our Philosophy

Our philosophy is defined by our "3E" community pillars. The community pillars we focus on are: Education, Environmental Jutice, and Civic Engagement. These pillars provides a framework for our research and program development. 

Our Vision

Our vision is to support the development of stronger, sustainable communities in underserved neighborhoods in Washington, DC. We  approach our program development, partnerships, and educational advocacy through our "3E" community pillars.  

Hey Neighbor! Let's Connect.

Whether writing to say 'hi' or if you have a question for us, we would love to hear from you. Please fill out the form and we will get back to you soon!

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